New Genomic Results Web page
Holstein UK members can now view female genomic evaluation results in a new web page within the Holstein UK website members section. Results will be displayed for any pedigree female tested in the UK, regardless of which company genotyped them.
This new page is intended to help members view a group of female results at the same time and rank these by whichever traits match their selection goals.
- Choose the age range of animals in months
- Select which traits are to be viewed – the page is defaulted to show 8 traits (PLI etc), but any from over 30 genetic traits (PTA) can be displayed in the table
- Use trait sliders or type in values to select a range of values – defaulted to show min and max among the results for the members animals
- Animals are identified by name, Eartag and line number (CIS animals).
- Rank animals by a particular trait by clicking on column headings
- Select the number of animals in the display
- Click on the animals name to view individual genomic results factsheet
- Export the table to Excel or PDF
This page is the first phase in the redevelopment of the genomic section within the members section/portal
Further development is planned to include the display of pedigree males and ordering of genomic tests.